Saturday, February 28, 2009

OK, I'm real bad at this...

So I'm pretty bad at updating my blog...but this is as good as it gets for a while. I've been teaching....still primarily in the 6th grade. I took them to small ensemble festival and conducted them while they performed- they received Superior group with a 93, the other with a I was very proud! Teaching is going's the right thing for me to be doing- I'm just a ball of self consciousness all of the time. I'm waiting for the day that playing piano, singing, teaching and managing between 35 and 45 kids in a classroom at one time becomes second nature. I can't just teach a lesson for part of class and then hand them a worksheet to do for the rest of the class while I get things done. (Not that all classrooms are run like that)...BUT with music, they ALWAYS have to be engaged in rehearsing. I'm up in front of them singing and moving around....I'm so animated and "happy" all the time that sometimes at the end of the day I just want to tell someone to go and play in the road---except I can't do that!

I got a hair cut today. Told the girl to take off about 2 inches....hmmm someone didn't get the memo! It's a lot shorter...but whatever...that means it's about 10 pounds lighter.

It had better snow tomorrow or I'm going to have a fit. The last time they said this would happen EVERY COUNTY around Gaston was called off. I drove to school on white roads...Grant it, it was nothing compared to what I'm used to traveling in while I'm in still should've been delayed at the least. Anyway, a close friend of mine is giving a recital in Boone tomorrow night and I was going to go...but looks like I can't....people in the piedmont don't take care of the roads like Boone always I don't know what will happen tomorrow. I would love to be able to sleep late on Monday.

I tried to take a nap today...because I woke up early to go get my hair did :) So I had been sound asleep for maybe ten minutes and I hear dad go "Do you want me to bring you any of this?"....he had popped some popcorn and was wondering if I wanted any. I couldn't figure out why you would ask someone that's dead to the world if they want some blessed popcorn....I was not amused at all. I was thanks. I think he thought I was laying there watching tv.

It's Saturday night at 9pm and I am totally ready for bed. Annnnnnd I'm still getting gray hairs...I'm 21, going gray, and get excited if I have the opportunity to go to bed before 10pm....This isn't right. Anyway, I think I'm going to close and go experiment with some ways to fix my newly CHOPPED hair. I don't want the folks at church tomorrow to see a human Pom-Pom sitting in the choir loft.