I'm sitting here waiting on some WONDERFUL wheat pasta to boil so I can add my minced garlic, cheese and peppers....I serve this with chicken I have marinated in roasted red pepper and Parmesan dressing...whoo!!
I went to Boone today to let the cable guy in. It didn't take long, but believe me...anything and everything that could go wrong...DID. The icing on top of the cake was while I was standing in a line a mile long at the grocery store, the cashier had an issue ringing up TWO BANANAS that the lady in front of us had. I almost cracked up because at this point I was about in shock that everything that my mom and I had attempted today had in some way become more than difficult. Well, while we were waiting, and about to crack up, I hear the man standing behind me mutter under his breath "God hates me".....I figured he was joking, but I didn't turn around to see. Later while Mom was trying to pay out, I got a good look at him. It's a good thing that I didn't turn around to smile at his tragic comment, because the look on his face was priceless. It was OBVIOUS he was terribly irritated at the wait, and to top it all off, all he had to pay for was a little bag of Ore Ida frozen french fries. Well when I saw his "Oh so pleasant demeanor" matched with the precious look on his face, I started laughing. I ended up just walking out to wait for Mom....the whole time she knew I had walked off because I had gotten a little too tickled to be in the midst of all of those people.
Ah, well timers are going off, so I have to finish dinner! More later :)
See..you're already good!
The "God Hates me" thing is so funny!!
Can I add you to my blogger friend list?? :)
Yes! Add it and check your facebook because I have questions about this whole blogging deal! :)
Yay your layout looks good
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